In the heart of eastern Turkey, nestled around Lake Van, are the ruins of a highly sophisticated, megalithic civilization that may re-write the history books as we know it.
Ancient sites that contain sacred symbols like the sun cross, triptych doorway motif, tree of life and chalice - all of which are highly important to religions and cultures the world. A documentary capturing the exploration and investigation of this mysterious, lost civilization with top experts from around the world, searching for answers to some of humanities greatest questions.
But to achieve this lofty goal, we need to raise enough money to get the entire team on the ground and create a full-length documentary to investigate its mysteries and tell its forgotten story to the world.
*If you contribute at least $100 you will unlock the Silver Tier and have your name listed as a contributor to the film on the website. $500 or more and you become a Gold Tier honorary contributor and are mentioned in the credits of the film!
Ancient Civilizations Expert
Geologist and Geophysicist
Polymath and Mathematician
Sacred Geometry Expert
Underwater Diver
Biblical Expert
Megalithic Expert
Ayanis Kalesi, Turkey
Filming locations in Turkey
Filming location in Peru
Filming location in Bolivia
Vito Griffin
Heather Moody
Sally Parker
Dean Carlston
Cherie Schaeffer
John Brubaker
Stefan van Dijk
Leon Kerckhaert
John Fairlie
Ed Santon
Frank Rush
Ralph Angasan Jr
Robert J Barnhart
Brigido Maldonado
Vicken Ishkhanian
Nora Hovian
Susan Walter
Susan Kettner
Jan Miller
Jeanne Denbigh
Michael Kruel
Cynthia Farley
Chuck Lawson
Michael Arthur
Jesse Martin
Yolanda Kortenoever
Rama Sanders
Maria Bernasconi
Alf j Capito
Dorina Nazif
Troy Reini
Boris Milenkovic
Daniel Cristian Dascalu
Rachel Scott
Scot Carlson
Dorina Nazif
Kimberly Windsor
Kathryn Scott
Tammy McCullough
Rachel Prudham
Mercedes Weinstein
William McMullen
Marco Menolfi
Bonnie L Pura
Norma Paez
Dennis Shelton
Andrew Halenza
Connie Lightmore
Holly Weiss
Gloria Ham
Mark Weien
Sharon Bradrick
Vinicius Loureiro
Christy Mair
Thomas Carbasho
Sue Cobb
Vijaya Nair
Peter Vrana
Danette Davila
Robert Gonzalez
Sue Cobb
Andrew Toops
Nikki Rains
Charles Good
Shannon Hauser
Miranda Navarre
Kim Grummitt
Victoria L Rudolph
Shaun Werner
Michael Atkinson
Arline Bowen
Brian Gallardo
Patricia Ajemian
Patrick Suter
Leo Nolette
Terrence Taylor
Zach Hodgson
John Strong
Bryan Clifton
Steven Finley
Bruce and Kathleen Fearon
Vincenzo Rossi
Jacqueline Emlaw
Sam Donabedian
Laura Keown
Paul Dagnino
Cody Herr
Ahmed Mohamud
Michel Vernassal
Zachary Gushurst
Joshua Diaz
Martin Philip Yeung
Kyle Gill
Donna Thomas
Roger Gopaul
Angie Rendina
Mike Adams
Janet Fickling
Brian Willis
Joseph Kercheville
Jesse Young
Adam Garcia
Don and Debbie Beard
Arevshat Ghiasyan
Corbin Noschang
Randall Snider
Kjetil Hasfjord
Rob and Raes Williams
Lynette Amatuzio
Mihail Stoitsev
Sara Field
Peter Field